3 Operations Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Review Your Cancel/No Show Rate

Your Cancel/No Show rate shows your ability to get your patients to show up for their visits. A high rate of cancellations can be a sign that you are not selling your services and plans of care. Track this metric for all employees to see who could need motivating. 

Not Collecting Up Front

Your chances of collection from a patient drop 20% the minute they walk out the door. This is why it is extremely important to verify a patient’s benefits and collect patient responsibility amounts up front as much as possible. 

Too Many Denials 

A high first pass payment percentage is a sign of a successful billing team. Billers should be consistently reviewing their denial reasons to avoid them in the future. 


3 Ways to Improve Your Credentialing Process


What Are You Doing to Protect Your Bottom Line Against Declining Medicare Advantage Reimbursement Levels?