Thing You Should Know This Week
Medicare Allows Institutional Providers to Bill Telehealth
Medicare FINALLY announced that they will be allowing institutional providers to perform telehealth services. This announcement includes: Rehabilitation Agencies, Skilled Nursing Facilities doing Part B, Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, Hospital Outpatient Therapy Departments (including Critical Access Hospitals) and Home Health Agencies providing outpatient therapy in the home.
Denials and Adjustments You Should Be Appealing
Are you missing appealable denials? Anthem BCBS, Aetna and Humana all have been denying providers who bill 97530 as mutually exclusive. Their EOBs sometimes read as a contractual adjustment and not a denial and therefore, you might be missing out on significant reimbursement! Make sure your billing team is reviewing these EOBs thoroughly and are submitting appeals for this issue.
Telehealth Billing Regulations
Has your staff been trained on telehealth billing and current regulations? These rules have changed multiple times over the last few weeks and months. Now is a good time to review with your team on the do’s and dont’s of telehealth compliance. Here are a few great resources: