Using This Time to Clean-Up Your A/R
Using This Time to Clean-Up Your A/R
In the midst of this chaos (and most likely as you are seeing less patients), it is more important than ever to collect every penny you are owed.
The best way to do this is to start a complete A/R overhaul.
At LRS, we are A/R clean-up professionals!
A few details on how we attack your outstanding claims and get you paid faster:
We review each and every individual claim that is aged out over 90 days.
We handle all the rebilling, recommendation of write offs, correcting of claims, appealing of denials, and anything else that may need to be done to bring the claim to a resolution.
We provide you with a spreadsheet with each of these claims with the reason they are outstanding and what the anticipated outcome is for each claim so you know exactly how much money you can expect to be coming in the door.
As always, through this A/R process and through everything we do at LRS, we really pride ourselves on our communication with your entire team.
Do you want to learn more about how we could help? Contact to set up a time to talk.