
Happy National PT Month

We are grateful for the incredible care

you provide to your patients across the country! 

Grace Period Extended for Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payments for COVID-19 Revenue Loss

In March 2020, CMS accelerated Medicare payments to hospitals and advanced payments to physicians and other providers to minimize the effects of revenue shortfalls. Providers that received the advanced and accelerated payments were scheduled to begin repayment of those loans in August 2020, but CMS delayed the start of repayment at that time. In the recent appropriations bill that was signed into law, Congress gave hospitals and other providers that received Medicare accelerated and advance payments one year from when the first loan payment was made to begin making repayments – delaying the start of the repayment period to spring of 2021. Learn more at CMS

Expansion of Telehealth PHE Codes

CMS recently expanded the list of telehealth services that are available for reimbursement during the COVID-19 pandemic. This list includes nearly 100 CPT codes that are now reimbursable when following the appropriate CMS telehealth guidelines. 

News Articles You May Have Missed

NY Times: How Physical Therapy Has Benefits for Back Pain

Chicago Sun Times: Physical therapy can be a key factor in recovery following breast cancer
