NCCI Coding Reminders for 2020

A few coding reminders for physical and occupational therapists that are effective as of 1/1/2020:

NCCI Edits for Evaluations: 

97530 and Evaluations

  • 97530 cannot be billed on the same day as physical or occupational therapy evaluations. This was buried deep in the NCCI coding edits changes and it is a major change to how evaluations will be billed moving forward. 

97140 and Evaluations

  • Modifier 59 is required on the evaluation CPT code or on 97140 when you bill manual therapy on the same date of service as a physical or occupational therapy evaluation.

*Please note on changes above, Medicare is considering manual therapy as part of the evaluation CPT code. 

Biofeedback Edits

  • 90912: Cannot bill with 90901

  • 90912: Use modifier 59 on the following CPT codes when used on same day: 97032, 97110, 97112, 97530, 97535, 97750

  • 90913: Cannot bill with 90901

  • 90913: Use modifier 59 on the following CPT codes when used on same day: 97032, 97110, 97112, 97530, 97535, 97750

You can review other NCCI changes directly through CMS. 

PTA/OTA Modifiers for Medicare: 

  • All therapy services provided by a Physical Therapy Assistant (CQ) or Occupational Therapy Assistant (CO) must be reported with the associated modifiers on the claim line(s) representing the services they provided. 

  • The PTA/OTA modifier must FOLLOW the GP or GO professional modifiers. 

  • All other modifiers are to go after any additional modifiers that are necessary on the claim. 

Just as a reminder, Part B Threshold for 2020 for OT is $2080 and for PT/SLP is $2080 (combined).

As always, if you have any questions about these changes or any other 2020 updates, contact us at to set up a strategic evaluation meeting.

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