You're One Step Away from Sanity!

Are you tired of low revenue and high administrative costs due to your in-house medical biller? Is an EMR doing your billing and they are constantly MIA and your AR balance is extremely high? Check out why outsourcing to a revenue cycle management company like LRS might be for you:

Increased Revenues and Reduction in Costs 

It is generally accepted that the expenses of paying an in-house employee (think salary, benefits, office supplies, etc.) adds up to come than what is commonly paid out to a third-party billing team. You also eliminate the need to oversee employees. At LRS, we can provide you with a reduction in overhead costs, timely submission of claims and increased reimbursements. 

Increased Support and Reduction in Revenue Cycle Interruptions

If you have an in-house billing department, your operations and cash flow can be stalled if an employee takes vacation, gets sick, quits/gets fired, etc. By outsourcing your medical billing team, you ensure your claims are sent out timely, your cash is coming in on a regular basis, and there are no interruptions to your revenue cycle process. At LRS, there will never be an interruption in your service. If one of our team members is out, their role is covered by someone who is equally as equipped to meet your practice revenue cycle needs.

Increased Focus on Patient Care and Reduction in Administrative Burdens

Paperwork and operational headaches are killing practices. By outsourcing your billing, you can focus on what you do best: providing quality healthcare. At LRS, we are the operations masters. We can also relieve other administrative headaches and improve your processes. 

Increased Submission of Clean Claims and Reduction in Billing Errors

By outsourcing your billing, you ensure your claims are accurately submitted. This will reduce the number of denied and rejected claims. At LRS, we have a clean claim rate of over 95%. We also provide CPT code reviews so that you can increase your reimbursement and also address any billing issues that are due to clinician error on the backend. 

Do you want to learn more about our services and why outsourcing to LRS might be right for you? Contact us at to set up a free strategic revenue consultation. 


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