It Might Be Halloween Season but Don't Let Coding and Charge Capture Scare You Away...

A clinician's main job is to provide their patients with the highest quality and integrity filled care as possible. You shouldn’t have to worry about NCCI edits, CPT code changes and how each of those differ from payer to payer.

However, as reimbursement rates have become lower and lower, it is necessary to look for ways to increase revenue. We know this is complicated but don’t continue to be spooked by all the reimbursement and coding changes. LRS is here to help!

One of the ways to beef up your practice and stay ahead of the lowering reimbursement rates is to do a quarterly coding and charge capture audit. This will allow you to minimize missed opportunity as well as enhance accuracy, productivity, profitability, cash flow and compliance.

Overlooked, missed, and inconsistent charges leave money on the table. Routine coding audits and monitoring as well as root-cause investigations will lead to crucial insights to help identify and resolve denials, payment speed, and cash flow issues.

While this sounds daunting, LRS specializes in creating charge capture programs and education programs for you and your clinical staff. LRS also works within your EMR (any EMR!) to maximize your efforts in many customizable functions of your system.

LRS will put together a comprehensive education plan for your staff as well as a monitoring system and reporting to recommend and assist you to perform better.

Contact us today to receive a free introductory coding audit. Your reimbursement levels depend on it! 


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