Billing Best Practices

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Below are some items you should be asking your billing team on a quarterly basis. These are your key performance indicators that directly affect your bottom line. If answers to these questions are drastically different quarter to quarter you will likely notice a difference in your cash flow.

  • What do my AR buckets look like?

    • Is the 120+ less than 15% of the total AR?

  • What is my first pass payment percentage?

  • What is my Daily Sales Outstanding (DSO)?

  • What is my current payer mix?

  • What is my denial rate?

    • What are my top 5 denial reasons?

    • How many claims were written off in the last 90 days and what were the reasons for needing to write off?

  • What is the average reimbursement per visit for my top 5 insurance payers?

  • What are major insurance changes that I should be aware of?

    • Who are my flat rate payers?

    • Are any new insurances requiring authorization?

We are happy to talk through the answers you receive to these questions, review your contracts, and provide you with a strategic revenue analysis.

Save the Date For Our Billing Best Practices Webinar. Register here!

May 19th, 2020 @ 12:00pm EST


LRS Webinar


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